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What is Cheltenham
United Reformed Church?

Cheltenham United Reformed Church,  or CURC for short,  is a close partnership of two separate churches: Prestbury URC and St Andrew's URC in Montpellier. Warden Hill URC recentky merged with St Andrew's 

The styles of worship across the CURC churches are very different; they can even vary from week-to-week. There are modern family friendly services, traditional style services, and sometimes Taize worship and Cafe style services.

Each separate URC Church is managed by a team of elected and ordained  Elders and the same Elders manage the CURC as well. 

Each church hosts various different social groups and events, but   every service or social is open to anyone and there is an intermingling of our congregations.

In addition to the regular Sunday and weekday services across the CURC there are Bible study groups, small groups who meet for prayers and the opportunity to explore spirituality and theology through denominational courses.

There is a lively social life with groups and various activities catering for all ages - 'from the cradle to the grave'. Not to mention Coffee Mornings, Church Fairs and Film Shows.

'In Touch' - a guide to CURC is available in all our churches.

There is something for everyone at Cheltenham URC!



Maz' s party
The three churches celebrate together

Easter Cross
Easter Cross at United Easter Service 2019

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